Harm reduction and the knowledge we benefit from is possible through the labor of many generations of marginalized communities.

These ideas are not new, radical, or “evidence based”. 

Stigma, racism, and gender violence are just a few of the intersections that many Drug Users face. 

Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQIA2S+, and Disabled People, have stepped up where institutionalized systems have failed their communities. We know that mutual aid, resource shares, direct action, and activism saves lives. Many programs, non-profits, and organizations that now provide harm reduction services have built their foundations using these principles.


Communities of color have been birthkeeping outside racist institutions and the medical-industrial complex for time immemorial. It’s time to compensate and seek the wisdom of those who have been exploited. 

We live and work on the stolen land of the Coast Salish Peoples. Lushootseed (xʷəlšucid, dxʷləšúcid) is one of many languages spoken in our region. We encourage all to pay Real Rent to the Duwamish Tribe, who have yet to be federally recognized and compensated. Additionally, we encourage all to support Indigenous led actions and businesses, specifically those of the Duwamish, Muckleshoot, Snoqualmie, Suquamish, and Stillaguamish Tribes. Support Land Back in returning spaces to their Indigenous stewards.

Any donation you make to the Harm Reduction Doula Collective with the note BIPOC will be set aside to provide compensation for a requested doula to provide culturally congruent care for a client.

To be connected with a BIPGM doula or reproductive care provider serving the Seattle area, email us at info@harmreductiondoulas.org